One of the best deals at WalMart was the $98 Nintendo DS Lite which was available in multiple colors. However, if you are thinking to buy one, then you should know that the portable gaming device is now sold out at WalMart. We’d expect WalMart to refill its stock, but that’s not going to happen. Maybe tomorrow? I think not, meaning that you’ll have to wave goodbye to this online deal. Don’t be too disappointed by this fact as Amazon is charging $129.99 for this product. So you lost $32 on this one, but you can find other great deals on other major retailers, or you could head to the nearest WalMart store and see if there are some units left. It’s worth trying!

On a side note remember to let us know what you bought on Black Friday 2009! Where you bought from, what did you miss, and if Black Friday 2009 was good or bad for you!


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