
Joe Schmidt is one of the “The Piano Guys” musical group co-founders. His daughter, Annie, a nickname for Anna went hiking in the Tooth Rock Trailhead area of Oregon and reported missing on Oct.19. She had been hiking, apparently along Munra Point, an area in the John B. Yeon State Scenic Corridor, one of Oregon’s national parks, when she disappeared.

On Saturday, Jon Schmidt posted to the Facebook group Find Annie Schmidt, announcing a medical examiner told them Annie’s remains were found below Munra Point. She died of blunt force head injuries, the Multnomah County Medical Examiner’s office tells PEOPLE, adding that her death has been ruled accidental.

Schmidt thanked those who offered the family support during the period Annie was missing.

“There is no way to thank our heavenly father and his son, Jesus Christ, for the support we have felt through you. You have searched with us, prayed with us, hoped with us, fasted with us, supported us and sacrificed for us. We thank you from the very bottom of our hearts,” he wrote.